How to Choose the Right Jack: A Step-By-Step Guide!

How to Choose the Right Jack: A Step-By-Step Guide!

22nd Feb 2024

how to choose the right jack

Many car owners find themselves puzzled when choosing the right jack. The decision of Jack isn't just about picking a tool; it's about understanding your specific needs.

One of the main challenges is matching the jack to your vehicle's weight and size. Hydraulic jacks can lift heavier cars with ease, they might be overkill for smaller vehicles. On the other hand, scissor jacks are lightweight and easy to store, but can they handle the weight of your car?

Read along as we will breakdown on how to choose the right jack.

Why Does The Right Jack Matter?

Using the wrong jack for your vehicle can lead to dangerous situations, including vehicle damage and personal injury. A wrong pick will fail to support the weight properly, risking a sudden collapse and instability during use.

This is why the right jack matters! It ensures efficient and safe operation, tailored to your vehicle's specific needs. Whether it's for routine maintenance or emergency repairs, the correct jack type makes the process smoother and safer, reducing the risk of damage to your vehicle.

The right jack not only fits your vehicle's specifications but also aligns with your storage capabilities and usage frequency.

Choosing the right jack for your vehicle

Choosing the right jack involves various factors to ensure safety and efficiency. Here are seven steps to guide you in making the right choice:

1- Verify Specific Weight Handling:

Identify your vehicle's exact weight from the owner's manual and select a jack with a capacity at least 1.5 times the weight. For most sedans and compact cars, a standard scissor jack is sufficient, but heavier vehicles like SUVs and trucks will require a hydraulic jack's higher capacity.

2- Measure Ground Clearance and Lift Height

Some vehicles have specific jack point sizes and shapes. Make sure the jack's lifting pad or platform is compatible with these points to avoid damage. Scissor jacks generally have smaller pads, suitable for vehicles with narrow jack points.

3- Examine Jack Point Size and Compatibility

jack point size

Measure the ground clearance of your vehicle and compare it with the minimum height of the jack. Also, ensure the maximum lift height of the jack is adequate to perform tasks like tire changes. Scissor jacks typically suit lower clearance cars, while hydraulic jacks are better for higher clearance vehicles.

4- Analyze Frequency and Location of Usage

If you're a frequent user, especially in a garage setting, opt for a hydraulic jack for its durability and ease of use. For those needing a jack for emergency roadside use, a scissor jack's portability and simplicity are more beneficial.

5- Assess Specific Safety Features Required

Hydraulic jacks often come with safety valves and pressure-release mechanisms, ideal for heavy-duty use. If your usage involves more robust activities, prioritize these features. For basic lifting, a scissor jack's simplicity might be adequate.

6- Consider Personal Physical Capability

If you have physical limitations or prefer minimal exertion, a hydraulic jack is preferable due to its mechanical advantage. Scissor jacks require more manual effort, so assess your comfort level with this.

7- Specialized Usage Scenarios

If your vehicle has custom modifications or unique requirements (like lowered suspension or off-road usage), you might need a specialized hydraulic jack. Standard scissor jacks might not be suitable in these cases due to their limited lift height and stability.

Safety First: Ensuring Secure Lifting

No matter which type of jack you choose, safety should always be your top priority. Always ensure that the jack is placed on a firm, level surface and that it's rated for your vehicle's weight. Use jack stands to support the vehicle once it's lifted, as relying solely on a jack is unsafe for prolonged periods. Regularly inspect your jack for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.

Where To Pick The Right Jack?


When searching for the best jacks, whether hydraulic or scissor, look no further than JB Tools. Renowned for our wide selection, we cater to all types of vehicles, ensuring you find the perfect match for your specific needs.

At JB Tools, we offer top-quality products at competitive prices. Our range includes jacks from trusted manufacturers, guaranteeing reliability, safety, and longevity, making us a one-stop shop for all your vehicle lifting needs.

Moreover, shopping with JB Tools means benefiting from expert advice and always available customer service. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to assist you in making an informed decision, ensuring you leave with a jack that's precisely right for you and your vehicle.