How to Make Your Vehicle's Brake Pads Last Longer

How to Make Your Vehicle's Brake Pads Last Longer

23rd Jul 2020

vehicle brake system

Choosing the Right Brake Pads

Brake pads are an essential component of all modern-day vehicles. Consisting of disc-shaped plates made of friction material, they apply pressure to the brake rotors, allowing you to decelerate or stop by pressing the brake pedal. Brake pads don't last forever, though. They'll eventually wear down to the point where they no longer provide adequate pressure. The good news is that you can make your vehicle's brake pads last a little longer by following these tips.

Choose Metallic or Ceramic Brake Pads

While organic brake pads place less stress on brake rotors, metallic and ceramic brake pads have the longest lifespan. Metallic brake pads, of course, are made of metal, whereas ceramic brake pads are made of ceramic material. If you're trying to extend the life of your vehicle's brake pads, consider choosing either metallic or ceramic. They'll last longer than organic brake pads, allowing you to drive longer distances before replacing them.

Coast to Stop

When possible, try to coast your vehicle to stop rather than pressing the brake pedal. Each time you press the brake pedal, the brake pads will engage the rotors. Even if you don't necessarily slam on the brakes, the brake pads will still apply pressure to the rotors. By coasting to a stop, you can prevent this from occurring. Coasting, of course, means removing your foot from the gas pedal so that your vehicle gradually slows down to a stop.

Lighten the Load

The total weight of your vehicle will influence the lifespan of its brake pads. The more your vehicle weighs, the faster its brake pads will wear down. Therefore, you should evaluate your vehicle to determine if there are any heavy objects in it that you can remove. If your trunk is full of old books, for instance, removing them may help. It won't make a substantial difference to your vehicle's weight, but when performed in conjunction with the other tips outlined here, lightening your vehicle's load can extend the life of its brake pads.

Drive With One Foot

Going back to the basics of driver's education, you should only drive one foot. In other words, don't place your feet on both the gas and brake pedals. If you're accelerating, you should only have a single foot on the brake pedal. If you're slowing down, you should have a single foot on the brake pedal. If you drive with both feet, you may inadvertently press the brake pedal when trying to accelerating, in which case your brake pads will wear down more quickly.