Pet Project: Ziggy the Australian Shepherd

Pet Project: Ziggy the Australian Shepherd

18th Jul 2023

A JB Tools employee wants to tell you all about her beloved fur baby!

Our employees are people, too, and they love their dogs, cats, and other animals! These pets are as much a part of their families as their significant others and children. We’ve created this semi-regular feature to give these critters a chance to shine. It seems only right considering all the joy they bring to their owners.

This Pet Project feature is brought to you by someone who's been with JB Tools since its early days.

How Ziggy became a part of my life:

“My husband and I had been looking for a dog. One day when I was shopping at the mall, I took a look at the pet store. I saw Ziggy and I just couldn't leave him there. We brought him home that night and he instantly fit in with our family and kids.”

This is what I love most about Ziggy:

“His love for his humans. He is wild and full of energy when we play ball and frisbee, but also so protective of all of us. The herding in his breed definitely comes out when we are outside with the kids; he always stays with them. When we go to the lake, he gives everything he has to keep the kids away from the water, but that might be his own fear because he can't swim. It gives a sense of I can look away and still know they are safe with how protective he is.”

Ziggy’s special tricks and talents are:

“He knows how to trick his humans to get extra treats after going outside. He gives hugs and kisses. He is also a lazy eater. He lays down to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

Ziggy’s favorite thing to do is:

“Be outside. If he's not outside, he loves sitting on the back of the couch like a cat and watching people and animals go by.”

Ziggy has such a unique personality:

“He is a very compassionate pup. He loves to be with people, and he tries to sit on them and snuggle. He also can be a bit whiny if he isn't getting his way.”

Thanks for Sharing, Becky!

Ziggy is cute and he seems very friendly. Maybe you should bring him up to the office so we all can officially meet him!