JB Tools Blog

How to Clean Your Vehicle's Carburetor

How to Clean Your Vehicle's Carburetor

30th Sep 2022

When was the last time you cleaned your vehicle's carburetor? Most motorists rarely if ever clean this part. It's not until a problem arises with their vehicle's carburetor that they acknowled … Read More...

Why You Shouldn't Mix Tires

Why You Shouldn't Mix Tires

23rd Sep 2022

Are you guilty of mixing tires on your vehicle? You aren't alone. Many drivers don't replace all of their vehicle's tires at the same time. Instead, they only replace either one or two tires. … Read More...

Cam Plugs: Everything You Need to Know

Cam Plugs: Everything You Need to Know

15th Jul 2022

If you notice oil leaking from your vehicle's engine, try not to panic. Oil leaks can have many different causes. In a worst case scenario, your vehicle may have a cracked engine block. Alternatively, … Read More...

When Should You Use the Parking Brake?

When Should You Use the Parking Brake?

7th Jul 2022

While most drivers are familiar with the parking lot, many of them don't know when to use it. Also known as an emergency brake, the parking brake consists of either a manually operated lever or, in so … Read More...