JB Tools Blog

What Are HVAC Registers? A Brief Guide

What Are HVAC Registers? A Brief Guide

10th May 2024

Have you ever wondered what keeps your home comfortably cool in the summer and toasty in the winter? It’s the HVAC system — specifically, the HVAC registers that control and direct air flow. Av … Read More...

5 Car Maintenance Tips For Summer Season

5 Car Maintenance Tips For Summer Season

2nd May 2024

As summer rolls in with its soaring temperatures, it’s important to ensure your car is primed to handle the heat. In this blog, we will explore five essential car maintenance tips to prep … Read More...

How To Remove Mold From A Wall

How To Remove Mold From A Wall

2nd May 2024

Wall mold is a common problem in many homes, appearing mostly in moist areas like showers and under sinks. It can damage wall surfaces and adversely affect your health if not addressed promptly. … Read More...