Tips to Protect Your Car From Sun Damage

Tips to Protect Your Car From Sun Damage

Posted by J&B Tool Sales on 30th Jul 2015

SUV driving on sand dunes at sunset in the desert, with a glowing orange skyProlonged exposure to sunlight can wreck havoc on a car. The combination of ultraviolet (UV) rays and heat create a “damage cocktail” so to speak, causing the paint to fade, the upholstery to crack, the tires to stress, and even the engine to overheat. So, how can you protect your car from sun-related damage?

Wash It

When was the last time you washed your car? Some people religiously wash and dry their cars at least once a week, but others rarely, if ever, was their cars. Washing helps to remove micro-sized particles of dust and dirt that could otherwise damage your car's finish. And when a car's finish becomes damaged, it's more susceptible to fading, peeling and rusting via the sun. This is why it's recommended that you wash your car at least once every other week, taking the time to hand-dry it afterwards.

Related: Shop our car wash, wax and polish products

Wax It

In addition to washing and drying your car, you should also wax it on a regular basis. A good coat of premium wax will create a barrier of protection between the finish and the sun's UV rays, protecting it from sun damage. As a side benefit, wax will also protect your car's paint from moisture and other forms of damage, so don't overlook this basic form of maintenance.

How often a car needs to be waxed varies depending on its make and model, the time of year, type of wax being used, and other factors. With that said, most auto enthusiasts recommend waxing twice a year at minimum.

Park in the Shade

I know this probably sounds like common sense, but it's still worth mentioning that you should try to park in the shade when possible. If there's a parking area directly underneath some trees, park there instead of out in the open. The coverage will blanket your car from the sunlight, subsequently protecting it from sun damage. Some sunlight will stay make its way through the trees, but it's far less than parking your car in the open.

Seat Covers

For the price, there's no better way to keep your seats cool and comfortable on a hot summer day than by using seat covers. Most seat covers are designed with special material that reflects rather than absorbs heat. According to a study conducted by the insurance company State Farm, the interior of a car can reach temperatures of 195 degrees Fahrenheit, so you can imagine the discomfort felt when touching a vinyl seat during the summer. Placing a cover over your seats, however, will keep them cool, comfortable and protected from the sun.

Related: Shop vehicle cover products