Winterize Your Car for Storage

Winterize Your Car for Storage

13th Oct 2023

large red truck inside a barn showcasing winterizing a car, winterize car, winterized, store car

As the winter months approach, many car owners find themselves wondering how to protect their precious vehicles from the harsh elements that come with the season. Whether you're planning to store your car in a garage, room, or storage unit, proper winterization is essential to ensure your vehicle remains in pristine condition. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to winterize your car for storage, and we'll introduce you to the essential tools available at JB Tools that can help you get the job done effectively.

Step 1: Wash and Wax Your Car


The first step in preparing your car for winter storage is to give it a thorough  wash and wax. This not only helps your car look its best but also protects the paint and finish from potential damage caused by winter conditions. JB Tools offers a wide range of high-quality car care products, including those from Meguiar's, a trusted brand in the automotive industry.

Step 2: Repel Rodents

One of the challenges of storing your car for the winter is the risk of rodents making themselves at home in your vehicle. To prevent this, consider using rodent repellent products, such as ultrasonic pest repellers or rodent deterrent sprays. While we don't carry these products directly, JB Tools can provide recommendations for effective solutions to keep pests at bay during storage.

Step 3: Check Fluids

seafoam motor treatment

Before you tuck your car away for the winter, it's crucial to check and top off all essential fluids. This includes engine oil, transmission fluid, coolant, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Keeping these fluids at the proper levels ensures that your car's vital systems remain in good condition during its idle months.

To help maintain your engine's health during storage, consider adding  Seafoam SF-16 Motor Treatment to your fuel tank. This product helps clean the fuel system, stabilize fuel, and protect against corrosion. It's a small investment that can go a long way in keeping your engine in top shape.

Step 4: Protect Your Battery

save a battery maintainer

Car batteries can quickly lose charge when left unused for extended periods. To prevent a dead battery when you're ready to bring your car out of storage, invest in a battery maintainer. JB Tools offers the  Save-A-Battery 3015LCD 12-Volt 25-Watt Battery Maintainer, which helps keep your battery in optimal condition throughout the winter months.

Step 5: Cover Your Vehicle

Protecting your car from dust, debris, and potential scratches is essential during storage. A quality car cover is your best defense. At JB Tools, you can find a variety of vehicle covers including, seat covers like the  John Dow ESCB-2 Economy Seat Cover Dispenser Box. However, for long-term storage, it's recommended to invest in a dedicated car cover designed to fit your vehicle's specific make and model.

Car Winterizing Made Easy

Winterizing your car for storage doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right tools and a bit of preparation, you can ensure that your vehicle remains in great condition during the winter months. At JB Tools, we're here to assist you every step of the way, offering top-quality products to make the process easier and more efficient.

By following our guide and using the recommended tools and products, you can confidently winterize your car and look forward to the day when you can hit the road again, knowing your vehicle is in excellent condition. JB Tools is your trusted partner in automotive care, and we're here to help you protect your investments year-round.

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