Mountainsmith has been crafting rugged outdoor gear since 1979, helping adventurers tackle the wild with confidence. Whether you're hiking, camping, or traveling, their durable backpacks and trekking poles are built to last. For extra stability on the trail, the Mountainsmith Rhyolite 6061 Trekking Poles offer reliable support with comfortable grips and adjustable height. Need a hands-free way to carry your essentials? The Mountainsmith Tour Lumbar Pack is a versatile hip pack for hiking and travel, featuring a comfortable fit and plenty of storage for water bottles, snacks, and gear. For a simple, functional crossbody gear bag, the Mountainsmith Timber Sling is perfect for carrying everyday essentials in a lightweight, stylish design. Whether you're on a weekend adventure or exploring new trails, Mountainsmith has the gear to keep up with you.
Review by Michael G. on 16 Mar 2025review stating Hobbiest Granite Block
Although relatively small it is still heavy and very nice. I am very pleased with the quality and price of this grade B granite block. It's a pleasure doing business with JB Tóols.
Review by Andrew H. on 15 Mar 2025review stating Great sockets ratchets junk
Great thin wall socket set same diameter as my chrome deep are a little shallow, but good broaching depth hold up fairly well so far first time use the ratchet putting any torque to it stripped it out
Review by Andrew H. on 15 Mar 2025review stating Great sockets ratchet jusnk
I went into this wanting a thin set of impact sockets and I got exactly what I wanted. I knew coming out of it. The ratchet was probably garbage and it really was tried to use it one time doing brakes and stripped gears right out. Wish they’d sell the set without ratchets
Review by Douglas B. on 14 Mar 2025review stating Stuff works!
I used RustBlast to help loosen up a very badly cankered 80 gallon air compressor tank that was over 60 years old! I tumbled it with gravel like a rotisserie to help scrub the inside. And after a couple of hours I rinsed it out and pressure washed it using some right angle attachments to access all areas in the tank. I got enough rust scale out to almost fill a 5 gallon bucket halfway. I pressure washed it three different times to make sure I get all of the loose scale removed before I use the KBS gold coating. It took me a lot of time but it turned out beautifully! I also used the KBS coding to paint the outside of the air compressor and it looks amazing now!