Mountainsmith has been crafting rugged outdoor gear since 1979, helping adventurers tackle the wild with confidence. Whether you're hiking, camping, or traveling, their durable backpacks and trekking poles are built to last. For extra stability on the trail, the Mountainsmith Rhyolite 6061 Trekking Poles offer reliable support with comfortable grips and adjustable height. Need a hands-free way to carry your essentials? The Mountainsmith Tour Lumbar Pack is a versatile hip pack for hiking and travel, featuring a comfortable fit and plenty of storage for water bottles, snacks, and gear. For a simple, functional crossbody gear bag, the Mountainsmith Timber Sling is perfect for carrying everyday essentials in a lightweight, stylish design. Whether you're on a weekend adventure or exploring new trails, Mountainsmith has the gear to keep up with you.
Review by Mark H. on 17 Mar 2025review stating EDC
Everyone should have this light, and if you don’t, you should get it,,, like yesterday,, y r u still reading this u should be ordering one for u and your peeps
Review by Adrian S. on 16 Mar 2025review stating Programming Power Supply
I purchased this unit about a month ago and it is the busiest tool in the shop. The steady state power supply provides a stable environment for extended programming functions. Our shop is on the Canadian prairies where the cold weather is constantly challenging automotive battery performance. The charging function of the PL6100 performs flawlessly...Read MoreRead more about I purchased this unit about a month
when recharging cold batteries and getting customers back on their way. Read LessRead less about I purchased this unit about a month